syntax in effect. (or lack thereof.)

I think it is fair to say that I am obsessed with grammar and spelling. Nowadays, however, with the onslaught of everything social media, texting, email vs. snail mail, etc., it just doesn't seem to matter to most people. 

A few things I see on the daily that make me cringe: alot (and thank you Blogger for putting a dotted red line under that word), your for you're, it's for its...but nothing makes me more crazy than the RANDOM APOSTROPHE. See below. 

This promotional piece I just received in the mail from Victoria's Secret may be the worst ever. And by such a huge corporation!!!

OK, I get what you're going for here. You aren't referring to the bodies on the models, but instead the Body bra. So you want to take some grammatical freedom with that by adding just an -s instead of -ies. Fair enough to get your point across. And I also see that the quotations are there to reiterate the point that you're just being cheeky (pun intended). BUT WHAT IS THE APOSTROPHE DOING IN THERE?!?! WHERE IS THE POSSESSION?!?!?!

Poor job, Vicky. Very poor job. I can only imagine how many eyes were on this before it was sent for print. Looks like you have some fixin' to do. <-- See that, there? THAT is how to correctly use an apostrophe not intended for possession. 


Q52 Week 30: Ultimate Joy.

Most things in life can get Quinn this excited. Food is a big one. Icona Pop's song, "I Love It," is another guaranteed scrunchy nose (and arms raised) moment. Here, all I did was open the Tupperware drawer, and the cute abides...

 See all other Q52 posts here.

Photo via Rebekka Seale
Idea via Che & Fidel

Q52 Week 29: 11 Months!

We are lazy technological in this family. No need for paper invites anymore. Why wait that long to get feedback on your oh-so-adorable invitations? Above is the winning photo that was used for Quinn's first birthday party invite, the cutest little photoshoot in our backyard. And what resulted was the "money shot," as Neel calls it. 

I simply Photoshopped the party info onto the above image and emailed it along. What's best is that your RSVPs come back so quickly! 

She basically looks superimposed onto the screen! I waited so long to photograph that teepee because I wanted just the right thing. Oh boy did I get it! Teepee is by B.E. Little You and Me

So there she is, all 11 months of her. Walking and smiling and laughing and making up words...and biting. Hard. Oh my poor, aching nipples. 

Outtakes below. 

^^ And this one is really behind the scenes. Thanks to my husband for his [limited] patience.

 See all other Q52 posts here.

Photo via Rebekka Seale
Idea via Che & Fidel

Q52 Week 27: USA!

 Happy Fourth y'all! Hope these pics make you as happy as she clearly is!

See all other Q52 posts here.

Photo via Rebekka Seale
Idea via Che & Fidel