Q52 Week 51: Oops!

So a funny thing happened the other morning… five stitches later, we are doing JUST FINE!

See all other Q52 posts here.

Photo via Rebekka Seale
Idea via Che & Fidel

Q52 Week 50: Pigtails and Big Girl Chairs

When she smiles, she looks like me. No smile, she looks like Dad - you can see it in last week's post. To get her to smile here, I just told her to say Riley's name. Riley is one of the pups. She says it so adorably: RI-REEEEEE!!!!

See all other Q52 posts here.

Photo via Rebekka Seale
Idea via Che & Fidel

Q52 Week 49: tubby time!

This little one loves the tub. I mean, loves. When we sing the bathtime song (which is made up each day), she two-steps all over the place. She loves watching the water fill the tub, and enjoys throwing all her toys in. 

What I love about bath days is watching her little tush as she runs naked from her bedroom to the bathroom. I won't miss her bowed legs when they're gone, but they are pretty freaking cute while they're here!

See all other Q52 posts here.

Photo via Rebekka Seale
Idea via Che & Fidel

Q52 Week 48: so it begins...

It's the holiday season! You know you sang that to yourself when you read it. 

Driving around my neighborhood this evening and seeing all the lights got me so excited for the Christmas season!! I have to be honest, the Christmas songs started last week. "All I Want For Christmas is You" is how we start our day. (Yes…Mariah. She rules.) 

This weekend is full of plans of tree lightings, Santa parades, and the like. And I am pumped.

He'll be coming down the chimney down!!

See all other Q52 posts here.

Photo via Rebekka Seale
Idea via Che & Fidel

Q52 Week 47: our little teenager.

It seems like it was just yesterday that I was weaning her from nursing. In fact, if it weren't for my need to get a regular period in hopes to stop it again (see: trying for baby #2), I would still be nursing her! It is when I see her doing such human things, like washing her hands or brushing her teeth, that I am dumbfounded. 

She's been using her stepstool to simulate brushing her teeth for the last week or so. I normally keep it off to the side of the sink, but it's a little awkward for her to reach for the faucet, so I turned it around for her. When she climbed those steps the first time, I just stood there thinking, when did you grow up? 

I'm not sad about it - every new step has been so much fun that I am not mourning the things that aren't happening anymore. It is just so so so amazing.

See all other Q52 posts here.

Below is the runner-up for this week's Q52, and also my view all week. Taking care of a sick little one means lots of baby-holding. LOTS.

Photo via Rebekka Seale
Idea via Che & Fidel

Q52 Week 46: kisses are a better fate than wisdom.

Meet Jack, Quinn's first friend. I would say they're more like frienemies currently, despite what you see in this picture. That's the funny thing about photography, you can capture an image that tells a story that could be completely different than the truth behind the photo!

Quinn has started a new phase I'm going to call the "don't fuck with me" phase. The word "no" is used often, and correctly. And when used on other children, is usually is followed by a shove. Part of me laughs, but part of me thinks, "Ugh…I am a parent of that child!"

But then on the flip side, there's this. The kisses. And they are unlimited, coupled with a "MWAH!!!" I mean...

See all other Q52 posts here.

Photo via Rebekka Seale
Idea via Che & Fidel

Q52 Week 45: Venting

Heat's on. A certain someone immediately realized the fun involved in forced hot air. Mommy and Daddy, who continuously fight over the proper temperature, don't really think it's as fun. Especially not Mommy, since she knows how much it costs. 

See all other Q52 posts here.

Photo via Rebekka Seale
Idea via Che & Fidel

Q52 Week 44: Lamda Lamda Lamda

Anyone know if Skolnick from Revenge of the Nerds is dating anyone? I'm pretty sure he would LOVE my little Quinnie... but I jest. Nobody is dating my girl until I have raised her right to know that she is the bees knees and anyone whom she gives her attention to is the luckiest person in the world. 

This costume cost me a total of $0, which is what a costume for a 1-year-old should cost, in my opinion. 

We wandered the neighborhood with some big kids and parents but Quinn pretty much stayed in her stroller. The kiddos got candy, and the parents got red Solo cups. Did the parents stroll the streets freely drinking when we were younger, too?

Quinn Trick-or-Treated at three homes near our own house, just with the immediate neighbors who would have wanted to see her ridiculously adorable costume anyway!!

I mean, you have to admit it is insanely cute!

See all other Q52 posts here.

Photo via Rebekka Seale
Idea via Che & Fidel

Q52 Week 43: Autumn

You know, sometimes brown can be pretty damn gorgeous. 

See all other Q52 posts here.

Photo via Rebekka Seale
Idea via Che & Fidel

Q52 Week 42: Pick Your Own.

Every social network is flooded with photos of kids pumpkin picking. So what the heck, why not throw my hat into the ring? 

From here on out, we are doing everything at sunset. 

And here's the other contender:

See all other Q52 posts here.

Photo via Rebekka Seale
Idea via Che & Fidel

Q52 Week 41: My Little Pony!

We have a ponytail! 

See all other Q52 posts here.

Photo via Rebekka Seale
Idea via Che & Fidel

Q52 Weeks 39 & 40: Playing Catch-up!

We visited an alpaca farm. It was really cute. Until the alpaca that you're allowed to pet attacked a kid. Ok, not really - but damn those things are shifty. 

And here is our beautiful sleeper. She is officially (and finally) in her crib. We are co-sleeping no longer. No regrets doing the co-sleeping for as long as we did - and no regrets being done either. We are enjoying our free time baby-free at night...sort of. 

See all other Q52 posts here.

Photo via Rebekka Seale
Idea via Che & Fidel

Q52 Week 38: Holding Onto Summer

Just a couple more days of sleeveless dresses, bare feet, and golden sunshiny hair. We are holding on for just a couple more days. 

See all other Q52 posts here.

Photo via Rebekka Seale
Idea via Che & Fidel

Q52 Week 37: This Beauty, Among That Beauty

If I believed that Heaven existed, and created an image of what it looked like it my head - this would definitely be it. A beautiful day, with the loves of my life, in a field of sunflowers. 

The day we chose to visit the sunflower maze in Sussex County was probably a little hotter than preferred. And you can see that the flowers are nearing the end of their lives, as they're all beginning to droop. But regardless, it was...heavenly. 

I lugged a stool out into the maze along with my kid, husband, friend, and her dog. It was a lot. But look at this shot. Clearly well worth the sweat. 

 ^^love love love^^

See all other Q52 posts here.

Photo via Rebekka Seale
Idea via Che & Fidel

Q52 Week 36: Green Smoothies!

At home, Quinn's diet is completely vegetarian, but it's important that she get her protein, so we try to drink green smoothies as often as possible. She loves them, so it's not really a challenge!

See all other Q52 posts here.

Photo via Rebekka Seale
Idea via Che & Fidel