Q52 Week 9: Spring Fever

The sun came out the other day. And it was warm. Not warm-warm like t-shirts and open-toed shoes. But warm like shadows are frigid and you're chasing the sun the whole time and damn it feels good!

It may have been a little preliminary to think that bringing a blanket to the beach was going to be a comfortable, relaxing experience. Finding a clean spot away from the cool breeze was pretty much nil. But what the hell, we did it anyway!

We live 1.74 miles from the beach. I repeat. We live 1.74 miles from the beach. So maybe it wasn't beach weather...but we can try again tomorrow. 

Quinn is six months and one week and sits up on her own now! I may be partial but I'm pretty sure she is the cutest damn thing I have ever seen. 


  1. I think she is pretty cute too. Love that smile

  2. What a great photo! Your little one is adorable! :)

  3. such a dramatic image, cute baby really lightens it up :)

  4. She surely is very cute! Edible even. x

  5. what a cinematic backdrop. So great to live close to the ocean isn't it, no matter the weather. Your Quinn's looking pretty proud of herself sitting up, super cute! Belinda x
