
Can you even handle this?? Hat by Curly Hair Conspiracy

watching: I have really gotten into Hart of Dixie. Running an hour on the treadmill is much more enticing when I know I can also sneak in an hour episode of this show. Sadly, I'm mostly through the first season, and the second isn't streaming on Netflix yet. Next up, I'll be starting Friday Night Lights, at the recommendation of my good friend Anna. 

thinking about: Family. I love our little unit with Quinn, and cannot wait to add to it, but then again I can wait. Getting and being pregnant was not fun! We were one of the first in our group to have a child, so I will be very excited when everyone else starts adding to the brood. Soon, bringing Quinn out to eat with us will not be as easy, but the dinners will still occur until the kids start popping out. And I am one to have a serious case of FOMS (fear of missing something) when these things go on without me. 

reading: The Silver Linings Playbook. It's a quick and easy read - and I enjoy getting the book read before seeing the movie. I am a bit confused because the lead characters behaviors don't seem to be so much bi-polar as they are supposed to be. I see more OCD or Autism spectrum, but I guess the author gets creative freedom with that end. 

looking forward to: Florida!! One week from tomorrow, we leave for Ormond Beach. Just Neel, Mommy, and Quinn. In the end, we'll only have three full days there, but relaxing with each other and no specific plans or responsibilities seems so appealing. Well, that and the weather of course. 

making me happy: Lame, I know, but my success on the treadmill. Five miles per gym visit is my minimum! I am sticking with the training program app on my phone, Run 10k, which was formerly called Couch to 10k. It is helping me to increase my endurance over time, and keeping my weight off. I challenge myself to keep a decent pace (read: not fast) and I always try to match, if not beat, my 5k time. Since starting, I am have shaved over ten minutes off it! Once I finish this program, which culminates the same week as the Jersey Shore 5, I am considering attempting the 13.1 app to train for a half marathon!

Currently post inspired by Danielle of Sometimes Sweet

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