Q52 Week 15: Naptime.

My little angel. Sleeping soundly so I could get my shot. This nap lasted a total of ten minutes. And that recharged her for HOURS. I do not have a very sleepy baby. She is a light sleeper, and doesn't really require a ton. By now she should be going through the night and up to ten hours. Try eight...with at least one mid-night wake-up. 

Sure, I could use the Ferber method to make it all go away. But I don't want to. My time with her is always precious, no matter the hour. She is doing what everyone warned - growing up "so fast" - and she won't nurse forever. So I am taking it all in, sans routine. 

See all other Q52 posts here.

Photo via Rebekka Seale
Idea via Che & Fidel


  1. This. this shot is so perfect & gorgeous. love it! xo

  2. Gorgeous, love every bit about this photo.

    1. thanks! i love every bit about this girl.

  3. oh my goodness.... i love everything about this picture. truly lovely. i think it may be one of my faves this week so far.

  4. Oh, this images is lovely. And I can totally sympathise with your sleeping situation. My daughter was THE WORST, and it wasn't until about 9 months that she started napping more than 20 min at a time. It does get better with time. And I'm quite convinced (after multiple tries at various sleep methods including the Ferber) i've come to conclude that some kids are just rotton sleepers and that's that. You can fight it, or just accept it, modify your expectations and get on with life. Sounds like you have a great attitude about sleep. I wish I had your wisdom when my girl was that small.

    1. well you do give me some hope! today she took one nap! for maybe an hour! at 8.5 months old!! eh whatever, i cherish every moment so i'll deal.

  5. Ignore Ferbers and all the other sleep trainers. You know what to do for your child. They are not little for very long. Gorgeous photo. ♥

    1. thank you. i agree. screw everyone and their opinions.

  6. That is such a beautiful shot! I agree with the other ladies re sleep...you have to do what feels right in your heart. We also have a terrible sleeper but I know that in the big scheme of things it won't last forever...glad to have found your lovely blog:) x

  7. So peaceful and lovely. Yours is one of my favorite shots of last week!


  8. please do not use Ferber's method! i've tried it and got worst!!
    this shot is so beautiful!! one of the best of the last week so i linked it to my 16/52 post (http://mybrandnewlifeasmom.blogspot.it/2013/04/1652.html)
