
One mile per day. Every day for the month of May. The hashtag is used on my Instagram link... I didn't come up with the idea as you would see if you clicked on the hashtag. The reason for posting the personal challenge on social networks, and this blog, is for accountability to actually do it. 

I have to admit that I thought I would have started with a bang and then faded, but my start was less than stellar. I opted to do Day One combined with a Stroller Strides class (read: lunges) and then couldn't walk the next couple days to keep the running up, so I have a few walks in there. But my commitment (at least for this month) was to do a mile (or more) a day - walk/run/bike. I think I just hoped my willpower would force me to do the run, which I find most challenging. 

But anyway, one week down and I haven't missed a day yet! In fact, Sunday was a 30-mile bike ride! (More on that to come.)

1.) Keep up a workout regime. 
2.) Improve my mental health (though the weather is doing a great job with that). 
3.) Run a 9-minute mile. 

Go me!

Idea inspired by Elise. Find me on Instagram as @megankhichiphoto. 

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