Q52 Week 24: Dad.

I never had a positive father figure in my life. No worries though, my mom did a great job being both, so I never felt I was at a loss. I can't say the same for the rest of my siblings, and definitely attribute some of their issues to the lack of a two-parent household. But that's too long a story to get into today. I know that it is a rarity to have parents who stay happily married anymore, but I really think it makes a big difference in a child's life. I survived, but my strength did not need to be tested as much as it was. 

Quinn will be much luckier. She has two parents who love each other dearly and also love her immeasurably. One thing I am so happy she will have that I didn't, she will understand why the term "Daddy's Little Girl" exists like no other. 

Neel has so much love for this girl - I'm not sure I can explain it without using every cliche out there. Seeing him with her is pretty much the sweetest, and my heart just explodes when I watch them. She loves his corny songs; some of my favorites include "Squeezy Butt" and "Bean Bag Head." They are hysterical and so darn catchy, and they make our baby girl giggle like crazy! She smiles so huge when Neel comes home from work, and races to the door for him to hold her. And they are 100 percent official napping partners. She doesn't relax much when with me, but when she gets into Daddy's arms, out she goes, snuggled into his arms in the cutest way ever. 

So Happy Father's Day to you, Neel. You have done an incredible job so far in loving Quinn (and I) in ways I never thought possible. Life is not perfect by any means, but it's pretty darn close thanks to you! xo

See all other Q52 posts here.

Photo via Rebekka Seale
Idea via Che & Fidel


  1. What lovely photos of them together - and such lovely sentiment x

  2. oh so so beautiful. there is something so sweet and special about a good man that has become a good father. I tried to do a little tribute to my boys' dad as well on my portrait post today, however, I think yours is just simply wonderful. xo

    1. Why thank you! I always read and reread my stuff and think it can be much better but then just hit publish anyway.. glad to see I am getting my point across!
