Q52 Week 26: Truth.

I wouldn't be presenting an honest image of my baby if I didn't show her crying at least once. In all honesty, she really doesn't cry much. She is generally a happy baby. We couldn't be luckier. I think I say that every day.

The truth behind these tears is that I wanted my husband out of the shot. But she had another idea. Aren't those the best kind of tears? The ones they cry because they want you close?

Once again, lucky.

See all other Q52 posts here.

Photo via Rebekka Seale
Idea via Che & Fidel


  1. The tears are honest and real and true. Lovely capture. xo

  2. OMG, tears. They're real life. And that's truth!

  3. Oh she's adorable, tears and all!

  4. Oh I just love this picture!! Her cry face is too adorable.
    My little Bites is having a cry when I see you and your not with me phase at the minute - infuriatingly adorable!

  5. That squishy little sad face,is a real memory. Plus it is an amazing capture of water play.
