birthday girl!

So much thinking went into Quinn's cute little birthday outfit, but do you think I did a photo shoot with her in it?! Of course not! We hosted ~90 people, cooked the food ourselves (with lots of love and hugs and many thanks to all who offered/contributed), did crazy amounts of yard work, hung minor decorations (simple is key), and had too good a day (weather included) to worry about pictures!

That seems to be my thing lately, and I have to get out of it. Too much fun = not a lot of pics. No complaints, but I need to document document document! Okay, maybe I don't need to but I want to. 

Anyway, getting that many friends to come to our house on a Saturday in August: big deal! She is so so so so so loved. And everyone's presence (and presents!) was proof!

Life is good, Quinnie my love. Savor it all. Smile and everyone will be drawn to you. Being ridiculously adorable might help.