florida sun

Ormond Beach - directly across from our condo. 
It's Daddy-Daughter Time!
That bikini kills me.

Lunch at High Tide, AKA Snack Jack, AKA SIL Jenny's favorite place
Sangria on Spring Break. 
That's Sophie - as if you didn't already know. She makes a few appearances on this trip.
Liquid lunch at Lagerheads.
Quinn turned 7 months on March 20. 

Washington Oaks Gardens
Beautiful. Love the hanging Spanish moss. Found out when we came home that the cockroaches loves to hang in it. Eek!

Her smile. GAWD.
I love our little family. 
Look up. Big tree. Look for me. Bigger than you thought, huh?!

Sunrise on my birthday!

Double slayed. Smiles and giggles?!?!!?
A perfect start to my 35th year.
Until next time...

1 comment:

  1. such wonderful moments captured. looks like you had a great visit.
