Q52 Week 12: First Family Trip!

We took a family trip to Ormond Beach, FL, to stay in a family's condo this past week. Neel had spring break from work, and he deserved some time off. This was Quinn's first flight, which was very successful. She was a little noisy toward the end, but at that point, we were making our descent and I didn't feel so horrible that she was keeping people awake. 

The trip was short, but relaxing. I turned 35 while we were there. We started my birthday by waking up to watch the sunrise (see below), and then drove to St. Augustine for a day trip and a delicious lunch. It was perfect. I love my friends and appreciated their calls/texts/FB wall posts, but I loved having my family with me to do a little bit of nothing together. 

Upon returning, we celebrated in a big way with friends at a local beer garden. Birthdays give us all a reason to get together, and I love that!

See all other Q52 posts here.

Photo via Rebekka Seale
Idea via Che & Fidel

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