Q52 Week 46: kisses are a better fate than wisdom.

Meet Jack, Quinn's first friend. I would say they're more like frienemies currently, despite what you see in this picture. That's the funny thing about photography, you can capture an image that tells a story that could be completely different than the truth behind the photo!

Quinn has started a new phase I'm going to call the "don't fuck with me" phase. The word "no" is used often, and correctly. And when used on other children, is usually is followed by a shove. Part of me laughs, but part of me thinks, "Ugh…I am a parent of that child!"

But then on the flip side, there's this. The kisses. And they are unlimited, coupled with a "MWAH!!!" I mean...

See all other Q52 posts here.

Photo via Rebekka Seale
Idea via Che & Fidel

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